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Bus Ministry:
We offer transportation to those who wish to attend our Sunday or Wednesday services. Feel free to call for a ride (573) 785-4232 and leave a message (your name, phone number and address).
Children’s Department:
The Palace Kids Ministry is important at the Palace of Praise. Preschool and elementary programs are designed to help boys and girls ages 4 through 12 grow spiritually, mentally, physically and socially. The Children’s Department includes a worship service designed for preschool and elementary at 10:30am on Sunday. We also have a program designed for ages 4-12, that meets on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm. The children's department helps ministry to ages newborn thru 6th grade.
Throughout the year various departments of the Palace use drama as a means of communicating the gospel through skits, human videos, and plays as well as our Sounds of Christmas production.
Evangelism Department: A team of believers committed to going outside the walls of the church into our community to reach a harvest for the Kingdom of God.
Evangelism Department:
A team of believers committed to going outside the walls of the church into our community to reach a harvest for the Kingdom of God..
Our ushers and greeters strive to create an atmosphere of care, instruction, and direction to make your experience at the Palace pleasant and enjoyable. Our Assimilation Team works to achieve the goal that each person in the sanctuary is greeted.
Keen-Agers Ministry:
This ministry provides fellowship opportunities for adults over 50 and promotes spiritual growth through friendships, events and day trips. They meet for study of the Word on Sunday morning in the Metro Cafe at 9:30am.
Life Groups:
Providing a place to build relationships and grow together spiritually as modeled in Acts 2.
Ladies Ministry:
We study the Word together in Bible studies...... serve the Palace Family with meals during times of loss or severe illness......greet our new Princes & Princesses with a special gift..... reach our hands out to the needy and give Christmas gift bags to women who are in, laugh, dance, pray, worship & learn together at our Girlfriend Connection dinner/services and at the MO State Women's Conferences. We are......... girls of all ages doing life together!
Media Services:
The Media Services ministry covers a vast area within the church and exists to project the vision of the church through the various media outlets within our “high-tech” society. These avenues include Live House Sound, Live Video Production (Camera Operators, Video Engineer) Post Audio/Video production, Web design, Media projection and more.
Real Men's Ministry:
Real Men Bible Study Group meets weekly on Thursday at 6pm for. Real Men Ministries sponsor a K.O.Z. (Kids Outdoor Zone) chapter that ministers to boys who are fatherless or fathered using outdoor adventures. The men at the Palace of Praise set a great example of servant-hood by making themselves available to help and assist in every ministry when needed
Special Events:
We have several special events throughout the year: The Gathering (ladies event), Real Men Rally (men's event), Rise Up (an event for young ladies 12-18), Pastor Appreciation Day, Kidsfest (for kids) and the annual Sounds of Christmas production Watch the Happening Now video on Sun. morning at 10:15am and our Facebook page for info about upcoming events at the Palace.
Sports Department:
The Palace of Praise athletics department is filled with fun and all kinds of activities. We care for the health of our members, therefore we offer a variety of sports activities. Among the sports offered are Basketball, Softball, Volleyball and golf tournaments. Our goal is to give our members the best in recreation
Sunday Discipleship (Formerly Sunday School):
Sunday Discipleship is a vital ministry at the Palace of Praise, and all are encouraged to attend. The Sunday Discipleship program includes discipleship classes for all age groups with subjects including apologetics and creating a biblical worldview for youth and older adults (II Peter 3: 15), reading through and learning about specific books of the bible and/or learning of key biblical figures, and learning of the character of God through biblical research and understanding of key biblical historical events.
Sunday Discipleship is weekly from 9:30 am to 10:15 am. Being right before the worship service @ 10:30 am, makes attending convenient for learning and provides an excellent opportunity to 1) learn from highly skilled and passionate teachers and co-teachers, 2) share personal experiences and understanding of scripture, and 3) ask pertinent questions concerning scripture, and provides for a smooth transition into worship.
For more information, please contact the Sunday Discipleship program via its email address: or contact:
Sunday Discipleship Superintendent. James Todd (573) 429-2769
Assistant Superintendent, Debra Sells (573) 429-0093
Discipleship Pastor, Josh Reasons (573) 429-0370.
Worship Department:
Our praise team, band and media department work together in harmony to usher in the presence of God and glorify His name. It is our sincere desire to continually flow in the anointing as well as work towards excellence. Above all, we want our music to glorify God, unify His people, and awaken hearts to his presence.
Young Adults, Married ages 18-40 (Momentum Ministries):
Momentum is a ministry dedicated to meeting the specific needs of young adults ages 18-40, married and single. This ministry provides a place for all to connect socially as well as learn to live a God-centered life together. A Bible study class for this ministry meets each Wednesday at 6pm, room 206 (the upstairs portion of the Metro).
Singles ages 18-25 (Momentum Gen Z):
Momentum Gen z is a ministry dedicated to single young adults ages 18-25. This ministry provides a place for all to connect socially as well as learn to live a God-centered life together. This ministry meets each Wednesday at 7:30pm - 8:30pm in the Metro.
Youth Department:
Next Level Youth activities include a full calendar of events aimed at young people from 7th - 12th grade. The youth department includes weekly service on Wednesday, life groups, ministry opportunities. Follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook for more info.
Ministries Directors​
- Athletics - Charlie Richardson
- Bus Ministry -
Christ's Way Recovery - Dan & Cassie King
Children's Ministries: Mallory Morton
Check In/Out Ministry Teams -
Nursery - Glenda Seawright
Jr Palace Kids - Roxanne Teters & Karmen Carson -
Palace Kids Drama Team - Jennifer Larkins
Little Palace Kids (Nursery) - Kathy Wood
Jr Palace Kids (Ages 4 to 6 years old) - Faith Sullivan
Palace Kids (1st thru 6th grade) - Mallory Morton
Connect Track - Sara Selvidge
Drama - Sounds of Christmas - Randy West
Greeters - Terry & Diana Pierce
Guest Services / Reception - Terrie Faughn
Hospital - John Sells
Keenagers- Dennis & Kay Smothers
Ladies - Terrie Faughn & Melody Beebe
The Gathering (event for girls of all ages)
Bible Study - Vickie Holloway
Tuesday Morning Prayer Meeting - Louise Marvin
Baby Care -
Meals -
Christmas Gift Bag Project - Bertha Hancock
Life Groups - Josh Reasons
Maintenance - John Sells
Marriage Is..... - Wayne & Lynn Kinsey
Media Services (Audio, Video) - Steve Seawright
Momentum (Young Adults) - Josh Reasons
Momentum Gen Z (singles ages 18-25)- Josh Reasons
Motorcycle Ministry (Palace Guard)-Jimmy & Gayla Allison
Parking - Gary Woolard/Keith Hale
Public Safety - Steve Seawright
Rise Up (event for girls ages 12-18) - Glenda Seawright
Real Men Ministries - Anthony Curnutt
Real Men Rally (Event for Men) - Randy West
Sunday Discipleship - Jim Todd / Debra Sells
Ushers - Gary Woolard
Youth - Next Level - Zach & Amy Baugus